Andreas M. Wahl
Data Management Researcher
Andreas M. Wahl
Data Management Researcher
August 26, 2018 Rio de Janeiro: Talk on Query-Driven Data Profiling

I will be giving a talk about my recent work on query-driven data profiling at this year’s BIRTE workshop in…

August 25, 2018 Presentation of OCEANConnect in Mannheim

Building on last year’s success, I also got a paper accepted at “Lernen. Wissen. Daten. Analysen.” (LWDA) in 2018. This…

July 12, 2018 Demonstration of OCEANLog in Bolzano

Following the first presentation of OCEANLog at SIGMOD 2018, I have just demonstrated its latest version at the “30th International…

April 20, 2018 Houston we have a Success: OCEANLog goes SIGMOD!

I am happy to announce that my initial work on OCEANLog has been accepted for presentation at this year’s “International Workshop…

October 1, 2017 One week in Cyprus: ADBIS 2017

I have recently been to Cyprus to attend the “1st Workshop on Novel Techniques for Integrating Big Data” (BigNovelTI 2017)…

August 15, 2017 Opening Talk at LWDA 2017

My submission to the “Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen” (LWDA) conference in Rostock has been selected as an opening talk during…

July 23, 2017 IRIXYS Summer School

Together with one of my colleagues, I have been invited to attend the IRIXYS Summer school “Big Data and Business:…

March 10, 2017 Back to Germany: BTW 2017

Almost immediately after my return from the CSCW, I traveled to Stuttgart to present at the 17th „Datenbanksysteme für Business,…

February 20, 2017 My CSCW 2017 Participation

In a few days, I will travel to Portland, OR, to attend the 20th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work…

May 21, 2016 Talk about my research at ICDE in Helsinki

Yesterday, I presented the current state of my research at the ICDE PhD Symposium in Helsinki, Finland. I received lots…

July 5, 2014 ASQF Advancement Award

I feel very honored to receive this year’s ASQF Advancement Award for my work on the m2etis Publish-Subscribe Middleware. The…