OCEAN (Open and Collaborative Query-Driven Analytics) is a data lake management system that helps you to ingest, discover, explore and integrate all your data sources.
OCEAN considers tacit knowledge extracted from query logs as a prime source for information gain about a data lake. It provides minimally-intrusive and query-driven mechanisms to support a wide range of management tasks around a data lake. OCEANConnect, a custom data lake driver, enables novel support services for data scientists. Different OCEANCompanion applications seamlessly integrate with popular analysis tools and facilitate data ingestion, exploration, integration, and discovery.
Beginning in late 2013, I have been designing OCEAN and managing its development ever since. Together with changing teams of 2-4 student developers, I will make OCEAN ready for release until Spring 2019.
Detailed information about OCEAN can be found on its dedicated project website at dormantdata.com.