Andreas M. Wahl
Data Management Researcher
Andreas M. Wahl
Data Management Researcher
Blog Post

Presentation of OCEANConnect in Mannheim

August 25, 2018 Data Lake Management, Research

Building on last year’s success, I also got a paper accepted at “Lernen. Wissen. Daten. Analysen.” (LWDA) in 2018.
This time the conference took place in Mannheim from August 22-24.

During a talk and a poster session, I presented my work on OCEANConnect.
OCEANConnect is a proxy JDBC Driver, which enables the minimally-intrusive augmentation of data science workflows.
With OCEANConnect, you can inject arbitrary logic into JDBC-based data science workflows, without mandatory workflow disruption.
More information about OCEANConnect will soon be available at

Update: The conference proceedings are now online. You can directly download my paper here. Videos of the keynotes can also be viewed online. I especially recommend you to watch “Finding Hidden Structure in Data with Deep Probabilistic Models” by Stefan Mandt (Disney Research).


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