Andreas M. Wahl
Data Management Researcher
Andreas M. Wahl
Data Management Researcher
Blog Post

Rio de Janeiro: Talk on Query-Driven Data Profiling

August 26, 2018 Data Lake Management, Research

I will be giving a talk about my recent work on query-driven data profiling at this year’s BIRTE workshop in Rio de Janeiro on August 27.
The workshop is held in conjunction with the “44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases” (VLDB).

During my talk, I will focus on OCEANProfile, a novel support tool for data scientists, developed as part of my research.
With OCEANProfile, interpreting query results for iterative query formulation against a data lake becomes significantly more comfortable, as relevant data profiles are displayed alongside the query results.
More information about OCEANProfile will soon be available at

Here are some impressions from the workshop, the main conference as well as Rio de Janeiro.



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